Do you need an online store for your business, but with complete ownership and no third-party or platform dependency, just like your own codebase? We got you covered.
What is OwnStore? An end-to-end e-commerce solution that can be configured according to your business needs. To simply put, a suite of configurable projects will help you set up your online store.
OwnStore source code on GitHub
Please note: The demo includes only dummy data. This is a basic setup.
Projects included in this suite 🧳
User-facing web application
Handles backend-related job
UI for admins to update
Extensive documentation for all 3 projects
Few top-level benefits 🚀
Highly configurable (almost everything!)
Easy-to-use CMS for admins.
Extensive documentation for almost everything.
Advanced SEO & PWA practices.
Advanced analytics for product and engineering folks :)
Secure user login and data management.
Ultra-fast page rendering (even for dynamic pages)
Smooth ordering and payment experience for users.
UX & DX at the core.
Engineering practices from globally recognized organizations. Quality can be improved even further.
Cost-cutting strategies while maintaining high performance.
Need help? 👋
You can also hire the author as a consultant to help set up your store.